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Nautobot v2.3

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 2.3.

Release Overview


Added an Optional role field to Interface and VMInterface models (#4406)

Added an optional role field to Interface and VMInterface models to track common interface configurations. Now the users can create Role instances that can be assigned to interfaces and vminterfaces.

Static Groups

Added the new models StaticGroup and StaticGroupAssociation, which can be used to define arbitrary groups of objects of any one data type. These serve as a simplified alternative to the existing Dynamic Groups feature.


Log Cleanup as System Job (#3749)

Cleanup of the change log (deletion of ObjectChange records older than a given cutoff) is now handled by the new LogsCleanup system Job, rather than occurring at random as a side effect of new change log records being created. Admins desiring automatic cleanup are encouraged to schedule this job to run at an appropriate interval suitable to your deployment's needs.


Setting CHANGELOG_RETENTION in your Nautobot configuration by itself no longer directly results in periodic cleanup of ObjectChange records. You must run (or schedule to periodically run) the LogsCleanup Job for this to occur.

As an additional enhancement, the LogsCleanup Job can also be used to cleanup JobResult records if desired as well.