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Dynamic Groups

Added in version 1.3.0

Dynamic Groups provide a way to organize objects of the same Content Type by matching filters. A Dynamic Group can be used to create unique groups of objects matching a given filter, such as Devices for a specific location or set of locations. As indicated by the name, Dynamic Groups update in real time as potential member objects are created, updated, or deleted.

When creating a Dynamic Group, one must select a Content Type to which it is associated, for example dcim.device. The filtering parameters saved to the group behave as a bi-directional search query that is used to identify members of that group, and can also be used to determine from an individual object the list of Dynamic Groups to which an individual object belongs.

Once created the Content Type for a Dynamic Group may not be modified as this relationship is tightly-coupled to the available filtering parameters. All other fields may be updated at any time.


Creating Dynamic Groups

Dynamic Groups can be created through the UI under Organization > Dynamic Groups and clicking the "Add" button, or through the REST API.

Each Dynamic Group must have a human-readable Name string, e.g. devices-location-ams01. You must select a Content Type for the group that determines the kind of objects that can be members of the group and the corresponding filtering parameters available. Finally, you may also assign an optional human-friendly Description (e.g. "Devices in location AMS01").

Once a new Dynamic Group is created, the group can be configured by clicking the "Edit" button to specify Filter Fields or Child Groups to use to narrow down the group's member objects. More on this below.


The content type of a Dynamic Group cannot be modified once created, so take care in selecting this initially. This is intended to prevent the possibility of inconsistent data and enforces the importance of thinking about the data model when defining a new Dynamic Group.

Working with Dynamic Groups

Once created and configured, Dynamic Groups can be accessed from the primary Dynamic Groups landing page in the web interface under the Organization > Dynamic Groups menu. From there you may view the list of available groups, search or filter the list, view or edit an individual group, or bulk delete groups. Additionally if a group's filter has matching members, the number of members may be clicked to take you to the list of members for that dynamic group containing those objects.

Dynamic Groups cannot be imported nor can they be updated in bulk, as these operations would be complex and do not make sense in most cases.

From an individual object's detail page, if it is a member of any groups, a "Dynamic Groups" tab will display in the navigation tabs. Clicking that tab will display all Dynamic Groups of which this object is a member.


Dynamic Group filtering is powered by FilterSet objects underneath the hood. Basic filtering is performed using the filter that is defined on a given Dynamic Group. Advanced filtering is performed by aggregating filters from multiple nested Dynamic Groups to form a combined parent Dynamic Group, which will be explained later in this document.

An object is considered to be a member of a Dynamic Group if it is of the same Content Type and it is not excluded by way of any of the filter criteria specified for that group. By default, a freshly created group has an empty filter ({}), which will include all objects of the matching Content Type, just as a default list view of those objects would display prior to any filter fields being filled in the web UI.

For example, for a Dynamic Group with Content Type of dcim.device and an empty filter, the list of members would be equivalent to the default Device list view, which in turn is equivalent to the queryset for Device.objects.all() from the database ORM.

Changed in version 1.4.0

In Nautobot v1.3.0 the default for a Dynamic Group with an empty filter was to "fail closed" and have zero members.

As of v1.4.0, this behavior has been inverted to default to include all objects matching the Content Type, instead of matching no objects as was previously the case. This was necessary to implement the progressive layering of child filters similarly to how we use filters to reduce desired objects from basic list view filters. This will be described in more detail below.

Basic Filtering

When editing a Dynamic Group, under the Filter Options section, you will find a Filter Fields tab that allows one to specify filter criteria. The filter fields available for a given Content Type are backed and validated by underlying filterset classes (for example nautobot.dcim.filters.DeviceFilterSet) and are represented in the web interface as a dynamically-generated filter form that corresponds to each eligible filter field.

Advanced Filtering

Added in version 1.4.0

Advanced filtering is performed using nested Dynamic Group memberships.

An object is considered a member of an advanced Dynamic Group if it matches the aggregated filter criteria across all descendant groups.

When editing a Dynamic Group, under the Filter Options section, you will find a Child Groups tab that allows one to make other Dynamic Groups of the same Content Type children of the parent group.

Child Groups

Example Workflow

Dynamic Groups are a complex topic and are perhaps best understood through a series of worked examples.

Basic Filtering with a single Dynamic Group

Let's say you want to create a Dynamic Group that contains all production Devices at your first two Locations. You can create a Dynamic Group called "Devices at Locations A and B" for Content Type dcim | device, then edit it and set the Filter Fields to match:

  1. a Location of either "AMS01" or "BKK01"
  2. a Status of "Active" or "Offline"

Setting Filter Fields for a Basic Dynamic Group

After clicking "Update", you will be returned to the detail view for this Dynamic Group, where you can verify the filter logic that results, and click the "Members" tab to see the set of Devices that it contains.

Resulting Basic Dynamic Group

Basic Group Members

A key to understand here is that generally, within a single Dynamic Group, additional values specified for the same filter field (here, "Location") will broaden the group to include additional objects that match those additional values, while specifying values for additional filter fields (here, "Status") will narrow the group to match only the objects that match this additional filter. This is expressed in the "Filter Query Logic" panel by the use of OR and AND operators - the logic for this Dynamic Group is:

    location='fa823577-08f3-46b0-92a7-8ad42ba3071d' OR location='df1fa32c-3b34-4d24-9fbd-a0f3eed28f12' OR location='9e39051b-e968-4016-b0cf-63a5607375de' OR location='d1e20b8e-759e-4c20-a65d-a0f3eed28f12'
  ) AND (


Keep in mind that the Filter Query Logic will also contain any descendants of the selected model instance. As we can see above the Filter Query Logic uses both location "BKK01" and "AMSO1" and their descendants.

Advanced Filtering - Combining Two Dynamic Groups into a Third

Added in version 1.4.0

Now, let's say that you add a third location to your network. This location is currently being built out, and you don't care about Devices from this location that are Offline status at present. What you want for your "Devices of Interest" Dynamic Group is logic similar to:

      location__name='ams01' OR location__name='bkk01'
    ) AND (
      status__name='Active' OR status__name='Offline'
  ) OR (
    location__name='can01' AND status__name='Active'

This logic is too complex to express directly via a single Dynamic Group, but fear not! This is what combining Dynamic Groups allows you to do.

First, you can create a new "Devices of Interest" group. Edit this group, and instead of specifying Filter Fields, switch to the Child Groups tab of the editor, select the operator "Include (OR)" and the group "Devices at Locations A and B", and update the group.

Creating a Parent Group

In the new group's detail view, you can see that it now contains one child group, "Devices at Locations A and B", and its members are exactly the same as those of that group. But we're not done yet!

Resulting Parent Group

Next, you'll create another group to represent the other part of your desired logic. Call this group "Location C So Far", and set its Filter Fields to match Location "CAN01" and Status "Active". Verify that it contains the expected set of Devices from Location C.

Another Child Group

Now, we'll add this group into the "Devices of Interest" parent group. Navigate back to the Dynamic Groups list view, and edit this group. Under the Child Groups tab, add another "Include (OR)" operator and select group "Location C So Far":

Adding Another Child Group to Parent Group

Now things are getting interesting!

Updated Parent Group

The "Devices of Interest" Dynamic Group now contains the filtered Devices from both of its child groups, and the "Filter Query Logic" matches our intent as we stated it earlier:

      location__name='ams01' OR location__name='bkk01'
    ) AND (
      status__name'Active' OR status__name='Offline'
  ) OR (
    location__name='can01' AND status__name='Active'

Advanced Filtering: Nested Groups and Negation

Added in version 1.4.0

Next, let's say you add a fourth location to your network. This location is in bad shape, and has Devices in a wide range of statuses. You want your "Devices of Interest" group to include all Devices from this location, except for those in Decommissioning status. To express this logic and add these devices to our parent group, we will need to use a combination of groups and the "Exclude (NOT)" operator.

First, you will create an "Location D All Devices" group. This will simply match Devices at Location "DEL01", regardless of their status.

Another Child Group

Then create a "Location D Decommissioning Devices" group, which matches Location "DEL01" and Status "Decommissioning".

A Child Group To Negate

Next create a "Location D Devices of Interest" group, and set its Child Groups to:

  1. Operator "Include (OR)", group "Location D All Devices"
  2. Operator "Exclude (NOT)", group "Location D Decommissioning Devices"

Defining a Group With Negation


In general, but especially when using the AND and NOT operators, you must pay close attention to the order of the child groups. In this example, if you were to reverse the order of these two child groups, you would not get the desired final result!

You can check this group and confirm that it contains the expected restricted subset of Devices.

The Resulting Group

Finally, you can edit the parent "Devices of Interest" group and add a third Child Groups entry, "Include (OR)" on "Location D Devices of Interest". The final result is a Dynamic Group that contains the desired set of Devices across all four of your Locations.

The Final Combined Group

You can see the filter logic that this combination of groups results in:

      location__name='ams01' OR location__name='bkk01'
    ) AND (
      status__name='Active' OR status__name='Offline'
  ) OR (
    location__name='can01' AND status__name'Active'
  ) OR (
    location__name='del01' AND (
      NOT (location__name='del01' AND status__name='Decommissioning')

You can also see the hierarchy of nested groups that are being used to derive the "Devices of Interest" group:

Nested Group Hierarchy

Most importantly, you now have a Dynamic Group that contains exactly the set of Devices you need!

Final Group Members

Technical Details

Filter Generation

Filters are always processed hiearchically from the top down starting from the parent group and descending recursively to the last nested child group in order by the weight value assigned to that group when it was associated to its parent.


For the purpose illustration, we will use "left to right" terminology since when verbally describing precedence in English, we read from left to right, so that following it will be more intuitive.

The nesting of Dynamic Groups is performed using two advanced patterns: Sets and graphs. Rules for each child group are processed using a set operator, and groups are sorted hierarchically as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where the weight is used for sorting child groups topologically.

In both cases, the ordering of the tree of descendants from a parent group to its nested children is significant and critically important to how each subsequent filter or group of filters are processed to result in a final set of member objects.

Consider an example where there is a graph from the parent group to three direct child groups, the third of which has its own nested child group:

- first-child
- second-child
- third-child
  - nested-child

The filter generation would walk the graph: starting from the base (match-all) filter of parent, the filter of first-child would be applied, then second-child, as ordered by their weight. In the case of third-child, all of its children (only nested-child in this case) would be processed in order in the same way and the resultant filter from all of the child groups for third-child would be applied to the filter resulting from first-child and second-child, resulting in the final filter for parent.


Weights are used to define the order in which a parent group's child group filters are processed. Because this ordering is significant, care must be taken when constructing nested Dynamic Groups to result in filter parameters that have the desired outcome.


Unique weights are only considered for directly-related child groups. In other words, the weights for each child group of a parent group are unique to that parent and only affect the sorting of the children for that parent.

In practice, weights are automatically assigned in increments of 10 when associating child groups in the web UI, and child groups may be dragged and dropped to re-order them and re-assign their weights accordingly. When using the REST API, the weights must be explicitly provided as a part of your request payload.

Using the example group hierarchy above, the weights would be as follows:

- first-child {weight: 10}
- second-child {weight: 20}
- third-child {weight: 30}
  - nested-child {weight: 10}


Set theory is applied when a new group is added as a child group. Three key concepts are at play: Intersections, Unions, and Differences.

We have attempted to simplify working with these operators by giving them both human-readable and Boolean name mappings. They are as follows:

  • Restrict (Boolean AND) - The Restrict operator performs a set intersection on the queryset, and is equivalent to a Boolean AND. The preceding filter is restricted (aka intersected) by the objects matching the child filter. All filter criteria must match between the filters for a member object to be included in the resultant filter.
  • Include (Boolean OR) - The Include operator performs a set union on the queryset, and is equivalent to a Boolean OR. The preceding filter is extended to include (aka unioned with) any objects matching the child filter. Any filter criteria may match between the filters for member objects to be included in the resultant filter.
  • Exclude (Boolean NOT) - The Exclude operator performs a set difference on the queryset, and is equivalent to a Boolean NOT. The preceding filter excludes (aka differences) any objects matching the child filter. Any matching objects from the child filter will be negated from the members of the resultant filter.

The following table maps the Nautobot operator to the corresponding set operations:

Operator Set Operation Boolean Description
Restrict Intersection AND Objects must match this child filter to be included in the parent group
Include Union OR Objects may match the child filter to be included in the parent group
Exclude Difference NOT Objects must not match this child filter to be included in the parent group

Any filters provided by the child groups are used to filter the members from the parent group using one of the three operators: Restrict (AND), Include (OR), or Exclude (NOT).

Using the example group hierarchy from above, let's apply operators and explain how it would work:

parent {filter: None}
- first-child {weight: 10, operator: intersection (AND), filter: location=ams01}
- second-child {weight: 20, operator: union (OR), filter: location=ang01}
- third-child {weight: 30, operator: difference (NOT), filter: None}
  - nested-child {weight: 10, operator: intersectio (AND), filter: status=active}

Logically, the filter will be expressed like so using the hierarchy above:

((first-child OR second-child) AND (NOT nested-child))

Which in turn would map to the object filter:

((location=ams01 OR location=ang01) AND (NOT status=active))

How does this work?

First, the filters for direct children for a group will always be included in a parenthetical grouping, separated by the operator. Parent groups always start from their base filter containing "all objects" (equivalent to an empty filter or {}). Therefore the filter of parent and the filter of third-child are not directly used for generating the filter and are instead passed through from parent left to right as the "base" filter.

Similarly, by the time we get to third-child, the filter at that node in the graph will have already had the filter from first-child and second-child applied, and will merely be passed through to the filter generated from the children of third-child.

Because first-child and second-child are "included" by way of the union set operator (Boolean OR), but because the filter for third-child is empty as explained above, its filter condition is not directly included, resulting in (first-child OR second-child) as the first group, representing all direct filters for the group parent.


But what about the AND coming from the association of first-child, you might be asking?

Well, that AND is also passed through because the default behavior when performing queryset filtering is to join all filter statements together with AND. For example, consider when you perform this from the Django ORM Device.objects.filter(location__name="ams01") the outcome is in fact equivalent to AND location__name="ams01". Therefore, for the first child group (literally first-child in this case), initial AND will be omitted.

Continuing on to the children of third-child, the same iteration rules apply. The filter from nested-child gets applied to the filter being passed through from its parent, third-child, except that the "exclude" (boolean NOT) operator is still applied from the association of third-child to parent resulting in (NOT nested-child).


You'll see NOT emitted as an AND NOT because NOT is actually just shorthand for this. They are in fact interchangeable as Boolean operators. While it's technically possible to perform an OR NOT query from a database perspective, it is not supported by Dynamic Groups because the NOT operator maps directly to the "difference" set operation which is distinctly an AND NOT Boolean operation when performing underlying SQL queries at the database.

Piecing the rules together, we ended up with two filters and by wrapping them in their own set of parentheses we get our final generated filter:

    AND first-child
  OR second-child
  AND nested-child

Dynamic Groups and the REST API

Dynamic Groups are fully supported by the API. Two distinct endpoints are required, one each for managing Dynamic Groups and for assigning child groups using Dynamic Group Memberships.

Specifying Filter Conditions

Dynamic Groups are fairly straightforward however it is important to understand how the filter field works before digging in.

The filter is a JSON field and it must be able to be used as valid query parameters for filtering objects of the corresponding Content Type.

It is an error to provide any value other than a JSON object ({} or a Python dictionary) for the filter field.

Multiple Values

Most fields within the filter accept multiple values and must be represented as a JSON array (Python list), for example:

    "location": ["ams01", "ang01"]

Single Values

Certain fields take Boolean values (JSON true/false) or single numeric integers or character strings.

For example, consider this boolean filter that requires a single true/false and would result in a Dynamic Group of devices that have interfaces:

  "has_interfaces": true

Or this character filter that requires a single string and would result in a Dynamic Group with only one member matching this name:

  "name": "ams01-edge-01"

Field Validation

Any invalid field values for valid field names will also result in a ValidationError, for example providing an integer to the name filter is invalid:

    "name": -42


Please refer to either the source code definition of the {model_name}FilterSet (e.g. for Device it would be nautobot.dcim.filters.DeviceFilterSet) or the API documentation for the list endpoint (e.g. /api/dcim/devices/) for a given model object, to view the available filter fields and their expectations.

Changed in version 1.4.0

Prior to v1.4.0, any invalid field names that are not eligible for filtering objects will be discarded upon validation.

As of v1.4.0, strict filtering is enabled by default, which causes any invalid field names to result in a ValidationError.

Managing Dynamic Groups

Creating a Dynamic Group

A Dynamic Group may be created by performing a POST to the Dynamic Groups list endpoint at /api/extras/dynamic-groups/.


The filter field will default to an empty filter ({}) if not provided.


It is not possible to perform a nested assignment of children when creating a new Dynamic Group. You must first create the new group and then use the endpoint for creating Dynamic Group Memberships as explained below under Assigning Child Groups.


POST /api/extras/dynamic-groups/

    "name": "parent",
    "description": "I am a parent group with nested children.",
    "content-type": "dcim.device",
    "filter": {},


    "id": "1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f",
    "display": "parent",
    "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/",
    "name": "parent",
    "description": "I am the parent group with nested children.",
    "content_type": "dcim.device",
    "filter": {},
    "children": [],
    "created": "2022-07-06T20:17:04.305663Z",
    "last_updated": "2022-07-06T20:17:04.305663Z",
    "custom_fields": {},
    "computed_fields": {},
    "relationships": {}

Updating or Deleting a Dynamic Group


It is not possible to perform a nested update of children when updating a new Dynamic Group. You must use the endpoint for creating Dynamic Group Memberships as explained below under Updating or Deleting Child Groups.

Updating or deleting a Dynamic Group is done by sending a request to the detail endpoint for that object.

A Dynamic Group may be updated using PUT or PATCH (for a partial update) requests. A PUT request requires the entire object to be updated in place. For example if you wanted to update the name and the description together, leaving every other field with their current values as provided:

PUT /api/extras/dynamic-groups/{uuid}/

    "name": "I am the best parent group",
    "description": "I am the best parent group with nested children.",
    "filter": {}

Performing a partial update using a PATCH request can allow any single field to be updated without affecting the other fields. For example, if we wanted to update only the name for a group:

PATCH /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/{uuid}/

    "name": "I am the best parent group"

To delete a Dynamic Group you would send a DELETE request to the detail endpoint:

DELETE /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/{uuid}/

Managing Child Groups

Dynamic Groups may be nested to a parent group by creating a new Dynamic Group Membership. The act of assigning a Dynamic Group as a child to a parent group creates a Dynamic Group Membership.

This can be done at the list endpoint found at /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/.

Assigning Child Groups

Dynamic Group Membership objects may be created, updated, or deleted just like any other object and are represented as children on the parent group.


When interacting with the REST API, the operator must be provided using the string representation that is stored in the database. The human-readable operator names (such as "Exclude (AND)" for "intersection") are not accepted.


POST /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/

    "group": {"name": "first-child"},
    "parent_group": {"name": "parent"},
    "operator": "intersection",
    "weight": 10


    "id": "4c8296de-42bc-49a6-8fed-fc1b1f6b93ca",
    "display": "parent > intersection (10) > first-child",
    "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/4c8296de-42bc-49a6-8fed-fc1b1f6b93ca/",
    "group": {
        "display": "first-child",
        "id": "97188a74-eddd-46d8-be41-909c1ece1d43",
        "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/97188a74-eddd-46d8-be41-909c1ece1d43/",
        "name": "first-child",
        "content_type": "dcim.device"
    "parent_group": {
        "display": "parent",
        "id": "1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f",
        "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/",
        "name": "parent",
        "content_type": "dcim.device"
    "operator": "intersection",
    "weight": 10

Observe that after adding this new membership object, the parent group now reflects this in its children:

GET /api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/

    "id": "1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f",
    "display": "parent",
    "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/",
    "name": "parent",
    "description": "",
    "content_type": "dcim.device",
    "filter": {},
    "children": [
            "id": "4c8296de-42bc-49a6-8fed-fc1b1f6b93ca",
            "display": "parent > intersection (10) > first-child",
            "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/4c8296de-42bc-49a6-8fed-fc1b1f6b93ca/",
            "group": {
                "display": "first-child",
                "id": "97188a74-eddd-46d8-be41-909c1ece1d43",
                "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/97188a74-eddd-46d8-be41-909c1ece1d43/",
                "name": "first-child",
                "content_type": "dcim.device"
            "parent_group": {
                "display": "parent",
                "id": "1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f",
                "url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/",
                "name": "parent",
                "content_type": "dcim.device"
            "operator": "intersection",
            "weight": 10
    "created": "2022-07-15T00:00:00Z",
    "last_updated": "2022-07-15T16:50:45.453965Z",
    "notes_url": "http://localhost:6789/api/extras/dynamic-groups/1f825078-b6dc-4b12-9463-be5a9189b03f/notes/",
    "custom_fields": {}

Updating or Deleting Child Groups

Updating or deleting Dynamic Group Membership is done by sending a request to the detail endpoint for that membership object.

A Dynamic Group Membership may be updated using PUT or PATCH (for a partial update) requests. A PUT request requires the entire object to be updated in place. For example if you wanted to update the operator and the weight together,leaving every other field with their current values as provided:

PUT /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/{uuid}/

    "group": {"name": "first-child"},
    "parent_group": {"name": "parent"},
    "operator": "difference",
    "weight": 10

Performing a partial update using a PATCH request can allow any single field to be updated without affecting the other fields. For example, if we only wanted to update the weight for a membership:

PATCH /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/{uuid}/

    "weight": 15

To delete a Dynamic Group Membership you would send a DELETE request to the detail endpoint:

DELETE /api/extras/dynamic-group-memberships/{uuid}/

Membership and Caching

Since looking up the members of a Dynamic Group can be a very expensive operation, Nautobot caches the results of these lookups for a configurable amount of time. By default this cache is disabled. You can change this default value by changing the DYNAMIC_GROUPS_MEMBER_CACHE_TIMEOUT in the administration panel. This value is in seconds.

Creating, updating, or deleting a Dynamic Group will automatically invalidate the cache for that group. This means that the next time the group is evaluated, the cache will be refreshed with the new membership information.

This greatly speeds up the reverse association of any object to any Dynamic Group(s) to which it may be associated.

A Dynamic Group object in the ORM exposes two (2) properties for retrieving the members of that group:

  • members - The evaluated QuerySet defined by the Dynamic Group and it's potential child groups. This will always perform database queries.
  • members_cached - A cached instance of members.all(). This will only perform database queries if the cache is expired. You can continue to perform .filter() and other QuerySet operations but this will incur additional database queries.

Additionally, a Dynamic Group has the following methods for working with group membership and caching:

  • update_cached_members - A way of forcing an update to the cached members of a Dynamic Group. This will always perform database queries. It will also return the updated members_cached property.
  • has_member - A way of checking if an object is a member of a Dynamic Group. The arguments are:
    • obj - An instance of an object to check if it is a member of the given group.
    • use_cache - A boolean value to choose whether to use the cached member list (use_cache=True) or force the database query (use_cache=False, the default). This is a handy way to have Nautobot perform the ideal membership check.
      • DynamicGroup.members_cached.filter( will re-perform a database query, where DynamicGroup.has_member(obj, use_cache=False) will perform obj in list(DyamicGroup.members_cached), performing no additional database queries.
      • In contrast DynamicGroup.members.filter( will always a database query but a much faster one as opposed toobj in list(DyamicGroup.members).

A model instance that supports Dynamic Groups will expose the following properties:

  • dynamic_groups - A QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects; performs the most database queries.
    • Iterates over all Dynamic Groups that are applicable to the instance's content type, resulting in a list (what is available as dynamic_groups_list) of applicable Dynamic Groups.
    • A final query (DynamicGroup.objects.filter(pk__in=dynamic_groups_list)) is necessary to retrieve a QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects.
    • Always performs N+1 queries where N is the number of Dynamic Groups that are applicable to the instance's content type
    • Evaluation of instance_1.dynamic_groups adds no benefit to instance_2.dynamic_groups: each instance will perform N+1 queries.
  • dynamic_groups_cached - A QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects; uses cached member list if available. Ideal for most use cases.
    • Uses cached member lists for each Dynamic Group that is applicable to the instance's content type. Membership check returns a list (what is available as dynamic_groups_list_cached) of applicable Dynamic Groups.
    • A query (DynamicGroup.objects.filter(pk__in=dynamic_groups_list_cached)) is necessary to retrieve a QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects.
    • Ideal for most use cases, performing only 1 query if membership lists are cached.
    • Evaluation of instance_1.dynamic_groups_cached benefits instance_2.dynamic_groups_cached as all dynamic group membership lists are cached: instance_1.dynamic_groups_cached may perform N+1 queries, but instance_2.dynamic_groups_cached will perform 1 query.
  • dynamic_groups_list - List of membership to DynamicGroup objects; performs one less database query than dynamic_groups.
    • The internal list used by dynamic_groups to retrieve a QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects, but saves the final query.
    • Beneficial if you don't need QuerySet instance of DynamicGroup objects, but want to use uncached membership lists on a large amount of objects.
    • Always performs N queries where N is the number of Dynamic Groups that are applicable to the instance's content type
  • dynamic_groups_list_cached - List of membership to DynamicGroup objects; uses cached member list if available. Performs no database queries in optimal conditions.
    • The internal list used by dynamic_groups_cached to retrieve a QuerySet of DynamicGroup objects, but saves the final query.
    • The most optimal way to retrieve a list of DynamicGroup objects for an instance: Worst case instance_1.dynamic_groups_list_cached will perform N queries, but instance_2.dynamic_groups_list_cached will perform 0 queries.

Invalidating/Refreshing the Cache

If you need to invalidate the membership cache for a Dynamic Group, you can do so by running the management command: nautobot-server refresh_dynamic_group_member_caches. This will invalidate the cache for all Dynamic Groups.

You can also create a Job to run periodically to refresh the cache for particular Dynamic Groups and running on a schedule:

from import Job, ObjectVar
from nautobot.extras.models import DynamicGroup

class ExampleDynamicGroupMemberCacheRefresh(Job):
    dynamic_group = ObjectVar(

    class Meta:
        name = "Update Dynamic Group Member Cache"

    def run(self, data, commit):